Growing up, perfect skin was never something I had, and dealing with skin problems as a young teenager, made it difficult for me to develop a strong self-esteem. Guys would never approach me and the girls in school always make fun of my unpleasant acne and warts.

At 25 years old my acne had completely disappeared, but unfortunately the warts remained exactly where they were. I always thought that the skin problems I had were all related and once the acne cleared up with age and maybe hormonal changes, that the warts would also go away, but that was not the case.


Before I learned of the salicylic acid wart treatment, I had difficulty treating my warts. I would read about products in the store and try all sorts of new ones as they came out. They never worked and I would notice that when I talked to people if I gestured with my hands, they never looked at me, just the growths on my arms and fingers.

Even though I had no more acne, people still treated and talked to me the same way the kids in school used to. I learned to live with them, until I found salicylic acid worked to treat them. I had heard of people rubbing aspirin on their warts, or even taping aspiring to them under a band-aid, but I thought that was just a myth.

I dont like to think about the fact that these relatively small growths made me look at myself differently than I do today, but it was true. I now have an increased confidence level. I can gesture with my hands without embarrassment and I just feel better about myself

I was always a person with terrible self-esteem, I mean whenever people would try to talk to me, I would never look at them straight in the eye. However, the moment I got this treatment and the warts completely disappeared, my confidence level was as high as it has ever been. I felt like a new person with a much better outlook on life.

My social life improved as simply talking to guys became so much easier, now nothing holds me back.

I recently was on a date with a wonderful guy and I realized as I was sitting there with him at dinner that I was fully engaged in the conversation. Even though it was a little bit boring to me, since it was about sports, I was able to just simply listen. I was not worried about holding my hands in my lap or whether my sweater had slipped down to reveal the wart on my shoulder. I could just stay engaged in the moment. I never really understood before how much mental energy went into me covering my hands or pulling  on my clothes.

The best part of salicylic acid treatment is that there were no side effects and no drippy liquid that spilled onto areas of my skin that were perfectly normal. It did take longer than I would have liked (but honestly I would have liked overnight and I know that was not reasonable), but it was worth the wait.