What is Salicylic Acid?

Salicylic acid is also known as, ortho-hydroxybenzoic acid, it is a crystalline solid which is generally white in color. It is the active ingredient in aspirin and many other pharmaceutical preparations.

Salicylic Acid Discovery

Salicylic acid was discovered by an Italian chemist , Raffaele Piria He converted Salicin into a sugar and upon oxidation, it became salicylic acid which later was converted into the main ingredient as what we know now as aspirin.

What Conditions Salicylic Acid Treats

Salicylic Acid Wart Treatment

Besides treating other skin conditions, salicylic acid is used in wart treatment. It is mostly used in wart removal products. The main form that the wart treatment product are available include liquid and lotions and creams.

Salicylic acid wart treatment is usually much stronger in concentration than say a treatment used to treat psoriasis and acne. Therefore, one must be careful to use the proper concentration of medicine for the specific ailment at issue.

When using salicylic acid wart treatment, soak the affected area in warm water for about five minutes so as to soften the skin. Apply salicylic lotion two to three times a day until you notice changes. Warts will take up to twelve weeks to disappear.

When applying salicylic acid, avoid getting it on unaffected area as it may cause skin irritation. While it is rare, it is possible to have an allergy to the treatment and side effects can include burning of the skin, reddening of the skin and in some case, peeling of the skin.

Treating Other Skin Ailments

The acid is used in many other skin treatments as well.  It is used to treat acne, psoriasis, calluses as well as warts. There is Salicylic acid lotion is used to treat acne in lotion form and this lotion is quite effective at improving skin complexion.

Normal skin cleansing with soap or some astringent may not be enough to fend off acne in teenage years,  salicylic acid lotions works to keep skin clear and bright when used in conjunction with other cleansers. The acid helps in skin exfoliation and as a result, your skin looks more healthy.

When used properly, the acid helps remove excessive skin through peeling. It makes the uppermost skin swell, soften and later peel, in the process, dead skin cells are removed. Salicylic acid lotion isn’t always affective and other acne treatments are available for more severe cases.

Salicylic Acid Lotion

Salicylic acid is also used as a lotion, the lotion helps in preventing pores from clogging by shedding the cells inside hair follicles, this prevents acne. Blackheads and Whiteheads are also prevented by Salicylic acid lotion, these are the two types of acne which are very difficult to treat because they form within the pores.

As a user, it is necessary to know that Salicylic acid lotion will not kill the bacteria that caused acne, it will merely treat the symptoms.

Psoriasis is also treated by use Salicylic acid lotion. This is a condition whereby skin cells build up on the skin surface forming dry patches and scales. When Salicylic lotion is applied to the affected skin, the outermost skin sheds off removing the scales.

Salicylic acid has many uses in skin care, it is crucial you consult a doctor for more information before using any product.